Saturday, January 8, 2011

Let's see how many resolutions I can break

It's that time of year again, ladies and gentlemen. That's right, the time of year when we all resolve to lose a little weight, quit smoking, be nicer to our neighbors, and the like. FranklinCovey, an organization that teaches effectiveness training, productivity tools and assessment services did a study in 2008 about how long most New Year's resolutions last. The group surveyed 15,000 customers, and found that 35 percent break their resolutions by the end of January. The study says that 23 percent actually follow through on the resolutions. Of the ones who break the resolutions, 40 percent said it was because they had too much to do, and 33 percent said they simply weren't committed to changing their ways.

I didn't get into this with the last blog post because, well, I already got one checked off the list. Oh, and I wanted to be a little more specific with what I want from the following year. Without further ado, I present to you:

Lets see how may of these I can break keep

1: Potty train Get Bug to POOP in the potty (DONE!)
2: Lose weight Starting February 28th, walk one mile every morning. By May 30th, jog half of that.
3: Don't be such a bitch Call my parents and ask them to forgive me for being harshly judgemental. No one is perfect, least of all me, so why do I continually expect them to be?
4: Party more Starting mid-May, have a girls night in or out, a book club, or a dinner club with my closest girlfriends.
5: Make some close girlfriends Let down my guard so that I can be closer with the girlfriends I have.
6: Save money Learn how to can.
7: Cook more Make my own signature pasta sauce and sun dried tomatoes.
8: Make money off Get personal satisfaction from selling said pasta sauce and tomatoes.
9: Write more Try to keep at least a weekly blog going.
10: Defriend a LOT of people Delete all the people off my FB friends list who I, A) didn't like in high school, yet have in the list, B) aren't family, C) ARE family, but like to cause me drama or talk behind my back, and D) don't EVER talk to me or I NEVER talk to, or I have no desire to ever talk to again.
A LOT of you will not make the cut. If you are actually reading this, you're more than likely safe.

There you have it folks. My New Years Resolutions for 2011.

Do you do resolutions? How many of them do you keep?


Gratefulmama said...

i am totally down with letting the guard down, this is my battle on a daily.. I try not to be anti social, but it happens... :(
and i love how you break the resolutions.. as I just wrote what I wont do.. :)

*DiSTaNT DReaMeR* said...

I have a HORRIBLE tendency to keep my guard up. I think it's my past, I've been done wrong by so many people. It's time to let go of all that.

Stacey said...

LOVE Your ideas!!!! Totally want to do a girls night in (cheaper than a girls night out!) too!!! Maybe I can get invited to yours? hint hint :-)