Sunday, June 29, 2008

What's for dinner?

Do you ever not know what to cook? Get the question, What's for dinner? and just freeze, no response readily handy? I have that problem all the time.

See, I am bored with food. I don't have a favorite anymore. I don't even enjoy dinner anymore because I never know what I'm going to cook. Plus, now that I am actually trying to lose weight, all my old favorites are, well, bad for me. Not saying that I'd deny myself, it's just that I have to watch how much I eat. See?

For weeks now, Mr. Daddy has texted me -- I'm a text freak, Id much rather text than talk -- the all consuming, all important question... What sounds good for dinner? And I will stop, phone in hand, and repeat that exact question, "What is for dinner?" Then, frantically, my mind races to try to answer him.

Suddenly, I am on the hunt, tracking down ingredients, scrambling to find recipes that match those ingredient, and trying my damnedest to answer that daunting question, "Honey, what's for dinner?"

Doesn't it just make you want to scream?

So one afternoon, I'm sitting at the computer, thinking about what to do for dinner, and I'm searching every recipe site I can find, to no avail, when it hits me. Why didn't I think of this before? I Googled this phrase, weekly menu plan, and there at the top of the screen is my glorious answer. Shining out in blue bold letters is my salvation. now sends me a weekly email directly to the menus4moms folder with a 5 day plan of just what we're going to have for dinner, plus recipes and a grocery list. Since that day, our grocery bill is down 25%.

The best part? I never have to face the challenge of "What's for dinner?"

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Who's got the skinny on why I can't lose weight?

I'll admit it, I'm self destructive. I was doing just fine dieting, exercising, losing weight. I lost about 10 lbs and was feeling mighty fine. Shortly thereafter, I discovered my love for Amish Friendship Bread.

A few weeks ago, Mr. Daddy brought home a large ziploc bag filled with creamy white stuff. "It's Amish Bread!" He announces, and I, never having made this Amish Bread, accept the responsibility of squishing the bag. I was excited, I'll admit.

For those of you who don't know the Amish Bread routine, it goes a little something like this:

Day 1 - Do nothing
Day 2 - Squish the bag
Day 3 - Squish the bag
Day 4 - Squish the bag
Day 5 - Add flour, milk, and sugar, then, you guessed it, squish the bag
Day 6 - Squish the bag
Day 7 - Squish the bag
Day 8 - Squish the bag
Day 9 - Squish the bag
Day 10 - Add more flour, milk, and sugar, divide the mixture into 4 new bags, and hand 3 of them out with a copy of the directions. What's left in the batter bowl is the beginning process for your Amish bread, to which you add, flour, sugar, milk, pudding mix, and other bread making items. Then you cook it for an hour, and ta-da! You have Amish Bread.

This will make either 5 mini loaves, or 2 of the 4x9 loaves. I chose the 5 minis so that half a loaf a day would get eaten, and I'd have bread everyday until the next batch. Well, here's where that idea gets hinky, and I've done this every time. After the breads cool, I wrap them in aluminum foil to preserve the freshness. Of course, I have to try my creation. I leave one loaf out and cut a slice off. Then, I cut another, and another, and another. By the end of the day, the loaf is gone.

No self-control, I tell you. None, whatsoever.

I walk almost everyday, and I have this little exercise routine I do in the evenings, but it doesn't matter much if I can't control my eating! I'm not gaining weight, but dammit, I'm not losing any weight either!

Told you I was self destructive.

Ah, so there really was a point to this story.

Starting today, June 24th, I am watching my diet. No more grub fests. No more eating because I am bored. No more snacking instead of lunch or breakfast. Today is the day I get healthy.

Cross your fingers and wish me luck!

This is gonna suck.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Power? Failure...

I know this is an awful revelation about myself, but...


I am endlessly entertained by other peoples failures...

And other people's stupidity...


It's hilarious to see someone else screw up instead...

Type "fail" in the google search bar, and see what you get?


Hours of endless entertainment...


Monday, June 9, 2008

Water you doing this weekend?

That's right, I said water. As in gallons upon gallons, swirling around us, destroying homes and belongings. This is massive flooding like we've not seen in years. This is worse than the '05 flood, and almost as bad as the 1913 flood. Records show that we were only .08 inches away from hitting that record mark. Thankfully, only two deaths were confirmed because of the flooding.

In our area, there was at least 2 feet of water rushing across our road. The retention ponds were filling fast, with no place to go. Across the road is a field, in which those ponds chose to empty. Every weather station around was warning not to drive through rushing water, yet, those who had large trucks chose to drive through, anyway.

And some who didn't have large trucks drove through, also.

We drove to the cul-de-sac that faced the road to watch the idiots who chose to take the risk, and sure enough, a lady in a van comes barrelling through the water like she's the log on a theme park ride. Three quarters of the way through, her van stalls, and won't start back up. Anyone else see that coming?

Johnson and Shelby Counties were the first to issue an emergency, with many others quickly falling in behind them. In Fanklin, the park was completely flooded, and flood waters took the police cars down to the baseball diamonds, leaving them to rest against a fence. US 31 was underwater just south of the Shell station at In-44, and the Johnson Memorial Hospitals first floor had around 2 inches of water streaming through. In Shelby county, all the back roads were flooding out, leaving many stranded from the rest of the world. The hardest hit was even further south. In Bartholomew County, Columbus Regional Hospital had to be evacuated because of rising floodwaters cutting them off from town. The strip on 46 was even deserted, which is usually busy catering to those stopping off from the interstate to grab a bite to eat, or stay at one of the many hotels along that route.

In the town of Prince's lakes, the main dam as you heading into town broke through, covering their park in water, and threatening to overtake Nineveh if any of the connecting dams broke.

You couldn't reach Edinburgh by either US 31 or I-65, both those routes were closed, leaving the town stranded and hoping for a miracle.

Scores of people had to be evacuated from homes in Martinsville, Paragon, Seymour, Columbus, and many more towns. Many lost everything they owned due to not having Flood Insurance, though technically, they weren't in "flood territory."

All this less than 48 hours after damaging tornadoes ripped through southern Johnson County and northern Bartholomew County, putting damage in the millions, and demolishing parts of Camp Atterbury, Indiana's large military base.

Oh, but it's not over yet. More storms are headed this way tonight and tomorrow, and parts of Martinsville were still underwater as of last night. Brace yourself, Indiana, if you don't think it's bad now, it's about to get worse.