Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring has Sprung!

Please excuse my absence. The whole family's been sick for the last 3 weeks, and I am the last one to get catch it. Thankfully my immune system was strong enough to kick it within a few days, and as of today, while I wasn't feeling great, I didn't feel awful, either. Which was nice, because today, the temp reached 70
Spring is officially here! The groundhog was right? I don't get what the groundhog signifies, to be honest. Every year, we pull a groundhog out of a hole and scare the bejesus out of him. He either sees his shadow and runs away to hide, or he doesn't see his shadow, and what? Hangs out with the mayor and tells us spring is just around the corner? How does that work, exactly? *shrugs* Either way, the ground hog didn't see his shadow this year, and here it is, mid March, and 70 degrees. Love it!
So today, 70 degrees. Woo! We have been cooped up in this house for faaaaar too long. I strapped the kids in the stroller and took them for a long walk. We walked to Aldi's, and strolled the aisles. I didn't actually expect to find anything suitable to eat, but on the last aisle, the ice cream aisle, there were these lime pops with no artificial ingredients. No, they weren't organic, but yay! I was able to treat Bug for being so patient on our walk with something that wasn't bad for him. The ingredients in most foods at Aldi's reads like a science experiment, but the lime pops were less than 5 ingredients. And they were delicious, and messy, and Bug was a sticky mess by the time we got back to the house, and Little was fast asleep. He of the screaming car seat, he of the crying stroller walk, he fell asleep without a peep.
After the much needed nap, I took the boys back outside to play. Little got to experience grass again. He hasn't seen that since fall of last year, and he was really unsure of the prickliness on his feet. Actually, it made him cry, he of the crying earth touch. But we soon fixed him up and got him comfortable, and both boys got to enjoy the rest of the afternoon outside. No more cabin fever! Hope this weather sticks, because we love it!

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