Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010, helloooooooo 2011!

Holy crap, has it really been two and a half years since I've blogged? Shew!

Well, welcome back to the insanity that is me. Today is December 31, 2010 and I am getting back into the swing of things, with a brand spanking new blog entry. Let's go ahead and start this one off with a recap of my year (should I go back two and a half years? Nah, I think not).

This year has been fun and interesting, with a few big changes. Seriously I have had a blast. My little Bug grew up into a big guy. His 3rd birthday is JUST around the corner, and we now have a new little guy! Yay! I have yet to give him a nickname that sticks, so for now I call him Little Brother, sometimes, just Little, and sometimes, just Brother. Little Brother was born in May, in my car. Whoops! This week, I might post both boys birth stories just for fun, and for something to have to post, plus I'd like to have all my ramblings in one happy place, yes?

Change number 2: we have switched to all organic foods, and no modern medicines unless medically necessary. Before everyone starts talking about how weird we are, just listen... Mr. Daddy was in an accident 5(?) years ago, and got a pretty nasty back injury. He was put on all kinds of medications for pain, and had been on them right up to this year. After reading a book about healthy living and what really goes on in the food industry behind closed doors, he decided to try a cleanse and make a few changes in our diet. Give it a shot, hey why not, it's worth a try, the pain pills weren't working for him anymore, and he was getting up every day with extreme back pain, and waking up at least twice a month with migraines from the tightness in his back. So we switched, and he did the cleanses. Results: he lost somewhere around 30 pounds, and hasn't taken a pain pill since. Modern medicines are made with synthetic chemicals that are toxic to the body, and when a body is healing and you're pumping chemicals in it at the same time, your body hides the excess chemicals in the scar tissue of the injury. When you cleanse all that out, the "hot spots" of grouped up chemicals goes away, as does the pain. I wouldn't have believed it, if it weren't a "see to believe" kind of thing. Mr. Daddy hasn't had a single migraine this year. No pain pills. No pain! Healthy living, it's the way to go. Everyone thinks we are strange. *shrug* Fuck em.

Another big change that came this year: Mr. Daddy lost his job. September saw the closing of his place of employment (boooo!). Not only that, Indiana is a black hole of underpaying jobs, so for now, we are riding on unemployment and food stamps. Which sucks, because this lady doesn't work, either. I am underqualified to do anything that makes real money, and if I were to take a job making small bank, we lose our foodstamps, and we'd still not be able to pay our bills. The system that is supposed to help is is actually kicking us down a little further. *shrugs* Oh well, what can you do? Grin and bear it, and hope for a brighter tomorrow.

So, goodbye 2010, welcome 2011! Hopefully this coming year is just as happy (or more) as the year I'm leaving behind!

Oh and welcome, again, to my insanity. Maybe this time I'll stick around a little while, and write a little bit. Sounds like a good idea to me!

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